Tuesday, May 10, 2005

How Low Will these Vipers Go?

Typical! One more way to screw the American consumer -- in this case children. The EPA is now inviting Industry to Mimic Practices of Discontinued CHEERS Study.

You may remember CHEERS (Children's Environmental Exposure Research Study), the EPA program that would have paid primarily poor black families $900 plus giving them a video camera to document the effects of pesticides on young children. This was done at the behest of the chemical companies and drew the wrath of Barbara Boxer and other Democrats. She threatened to block the appointment of Stephen Johnson to head the EPA, unless they canceled CHEERS.

"It flies in the face of everything we know about pesticides and kids," Boxer said. Later, she added, "Unless this project is cancelled, I will have a hard time moving forward this nomination."
More about this story is here.

Now the EPA is encouraging companies to do what they canceled.

"The Bush Administration is setting the ethical bar so low that only the most sleazy cannot limbo under it," stated PEER Program Director Rebecca Roose. "The basic problem is this: the safeguards that apply to experiments involving development of drugs to help people are far more stringent than EPA's standards for experiments to determine how much commercial poisons harm people."

Some of the tests include:
  • Paying "young male volunteers" to inhale methanol vapors at levels described as "a worst case scenario"
  • Having asthma sufferers inhale potentially harmful ultrafine carbon particles.
  • Exposing children (ages 3 to 12) to a powerful agricultural insecticide (chlorpyrifos) to test absorption in their systems through "urinary biomarker measurements"

LIMBO! How low will they go???

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Anonymous said...

Well, when I started reading I thought... wow, how altruistic, if a bit naive.... I imagined that known polluter-companies were giving families cameras to document the effect of chemical pollutants that are already adrift in the environment. It didn't even occur to me that anyone would actually deliberately introduce harmful chemicals to monitor the effects.
It seems such a Victorian attitude... that the poor have no case for being treated decently because their poverty is seen as a form of immorality and the immoral have no human rights. Come to think of it, it's rather Mengele-like too.
May I link to this on my own blog please?
I'm delighted to see you're blogging.


Fancy Pants Elitist said...

It's so cynical. and so pro chemical company. That was who was behind the initial program that our wonderful Senator Boxer got so incensed with. They are taking advantage of poor people's desperation and ignorance by dangling that $900 and the video camera in front of their noses, and most of probably don't read the fine print of the program. I doubt that any mother would deliberately introduce their asthmatic children to inhale harmful ultrafine carbon particles. Just because you are poor doesn't mean you don't love you child. That they would target poor black families in Duval county, Florida, a place where a great deal of the voting fraud took place in 2000 and 2004 seems a natural place for this to happen under Jeb Bush. They are so cynical, and so evil. It just frosts my ass that they get away with crap like this.

ok... rant off...
Love you too, fi! hope you join us fancy pantsers. We need your perspectives, and I would be honored to have you as second fancy pantser. :)