Friday, May 27, 2005

Bush and Blair Planned Iraq Nine days after 9/11

I was looking for more documentation about the Bush/Blair conspiracy, and was surprised to find a remarkable article.

I typed in "Christopher Meyer", the former British Ambassador to Washington in 2001, and "Iraq war".

Apparently according to an over year old article in the Guardian:

President George Bush first asked Tony Blair to support the removal of Saddam Hussein from power at a private White House dinner nine days after the terror attacks of 11 September, 2001.

According to Sir Christopher Meyer, the former British Ambassador to Washington, who was at the dinner, Blair told Bush he should not get distracted from the war on terror's initial goal - dealing with the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Bush, claims Meyer, replied by saying: 'I agree with you, Tony. We must deal with this first. But when we have dealt with Afghanistan, we must come back to Iraq.' Regime change was already US policy.

The Guardian Story is here

I wouldn't normally post about an article this old, but considering the Downing Street Memo stuff, and the Panorama video put out by the BBC two months ago, (which prompted my search), it's important in terms of historical context. We should know that our American press has been ignoring, or more likely, suppressing this info for a long time, and we need to bring information to John Conyers' attention considering he is making efforts to investigate and document this conspiracy.

It was clear, Meyer says, 'that when we did come back to Iraq it wouldn't be to discuss smarter sanctions'. Elsewhere in his interview, Meyer says Blair always believed it was unlikely that Saddam would be removed from power or give up his weapons of mass destruction without a war.

Faced with this prospect of a further war, he adds, Blair 'said nothing to demur'.

Details of this extraordinary conversation will be published this week in a 25,000-word article on the path to war with Iraq in the May issue of the American magazine Vanity Fair. It provides new corroboration of the claims made last month in a book by Bush's former counter-terrorism chief, Richard Clarke, that Bush was 'obsessed' with Iraq as his principal target after 9/11.

But the implications for Blair may be still more explosive. The discussion implies that, even before the bombing of Afghanistan, Blair already knew that the US intended to attack Saddam next, although he continued to insist in public that 'no decisions had been taken' until almost the moment that the invasion began in March 2003. His critics are likely to seize on the report of the two leaders' exchange and demand to know when Blair resolved to provide the backing that Bush sought. "

Honestly, it comes as no surprise to me really, because I knew instinctively that the PNAC was planning things, for a long time (they tried to convince Clinton to go to war in Iraq 1998 and Clinton told them to get lost), I think what surprised me is Blair's willingness to go along with Bush no matter how he had to lie to his own people, and how early he was on board with this.

Meyers will be coming out with a book soon, and he is probably going to reveal all. In light of all this I think we should add this to the growing body of evidence in RE: that pesky Downing Street Memo....


Anonymous said...

A Mike Malloy listener says hi! 8)

Anonymous said...

another "truthseeker" who heard your call on mike malloy's show. great work--another nail to help drive this scandal home.

Fancy Pants Elitist said...

To both of you, come join us on
Thanks for posting! And thank you!

Alicia Morgan said...

Another Malloy listener - you are right on the money! Thanks for sharing that info.

halcyon67 said...

Actually earlier than that. Two days after 9/11, Wolfowitz ran to Bush saying that Iraq did something to do with 9/11. Bush said it wasn't time. Chapter 10, 9/11 Commmission Report.

Also, it has been rumored that the Bush Doctrine was written 10 years prior to the invasion by Cheney.

halcyon67 said...

Also in Craig Unger's book, House of Bush, House of Saud, he discusses Iraq, and he mentioned something about Iraq in 1995. It was in relation to W. Bush moving up the political latter. Also in an article it states that a secret group was created to plan invasion for Iraq 9 days before 9/11. I think that is from MotherJones.

Fancy Pants Elitist said...

I recall reading in ONE of these books, that the day of the attack on the Pentagon Rummy yelled and said "Attack IRAQ!!!" They SO wanted it to be Iraq's fault.

halcyon67 said...

It was not 9/11 Report that was Wolfowitz. I don't know if it is in the other one. If it was, it wouldn't surprise. These people are messed up.